lunedì 29 ottobre 2012

Look* [201] @ I'm Back!

Skin: [DoLLsHiT] Delice - Fairy - NEW[DoLLsHiT]
Hair: >TRUTH< Ariel -  espresso - NEWTRUTH
Tattoo: [Vega*Inc.] Vertigo Tattoo - [Vega*Inc.]
Shirt: Color.Me.H.O.F [MyCropCorset[Black] - H.O.F
Skirt: Color.Me.H.O.F [MySilkSkirt MESH[Black] - H.O.F
Ears: AITUI [MESH] - Stretched Ears - 1" Plug Pack - NEWAITUI
Shoes: ::LC:: Distress Wedge Bootie Coal - Lethal Couture
Poses: GLITTERATI - Sexy 10

More sets at:
Smuack, Punky.

Review Policy «3 [That's Important]

If you want to review your items, drop us a folder and don't forget to include the name of your store and the LM, or a notecard with all the info you think are important.

Thanks and feel free to IM us in world.