venerdì 9 settembre 2011

Look* [70]

On Me
Skin: :F: Kate . Fair . 01 - NEWFILTHY
Hair: [y] Adele - Special Collor - Light Black/Blond - NEW[Yulicie]
Shirt: A.M.K.R Zipped top - NEWA.M.K.R
Skirt: :::LiNe::: HotChocolate /White-Lime - NEW:::LiNe:::
Bangles: A.M.K.R Gift Bangles - A.M.K.R
FaceTattoo: { birdy. } color me - { birdy. }
Bag: Retro Bag  Vinil *Tea Time* - *Tea Time*
Shoes: VooDoo Urban Black - NEWVoodoo

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