sabato 21 aprile 2012

Look* [177] @ Hit The LIGHTS!

Shape: ::[annaA]:: Body Shape " Nadeya " - NEW::[annaA]::
Skin: -Twenty- Vanessa Peach - NEWTwenty
Hair: {Handmade} Greta on Mocha - NEW{Handmade}
Shirt: ~ CoLoReTa's:] flOwy -me tOp(2) {fi*fridays} - NEWfi*Fridays
Jeans: - CHANDELLE - Short Karen. sea - NEWKawaii Fair
Tights: erratic / fishnet wide / black - erratic
Piercing: .HW. Im JusT a GirL - Bindi Piercing - NEW.HollyWeird.
Nail: Izzie's - Classic Nails - Izzie's
Chain: {me.} Pansy Chain Belly [GOLD] ~ NEW{me.}
Shoes: * CHANDELLE * Boots Kat. brown - CHANDELLE

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