mercoledì 3 agosto 2011

Look* [16]

On Me
Skin: -Glam Affair- Layla Gold Night - TDRThe Dressing Room
Hair: Exile Coy for the Dressing Room Blue - TDRThe Dressing Room BLUE
Outfit: *Epic* Button Overall Shorts {Vintage} [Vendor] - NEW*Epic*
Necklace: ~Pepper~ Sunglasses Necklace - NEW~Pepper~
Belt: ~Pepper~  Summer Belt  -  FLOWER - ~Pepper~
Earrings: [MAGIC NOOK] Bird Of Paradise Earrings - TDRThe Dressing Room
Shoes: *Epic* [PREVIEW!] *Epic* Faun Garter Socks {Grey} - Only 100L*Epic*

- A special thanks/hugs/kissez to Danni Pfeffer for her sweety support «3 - 

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