sabato 6 agosto 2011

Look* [24]

On Me
Skin: ( r )M ~ (Skin) Tan ~ No.06~(3)PRIME - NEW(red)Mint
Hair: AITUI - Hair - Ease.Long /Blond/ - AITUI
Shirt: (r)M ~ LaceTop Lifted (I&II) (No.08) - NEW(red)Mint
Pants: AMERIE - Sweat Pants for Ladys_01 - AMERIE
Piercing: *BND* fACE plug PIERCINGS 2 *BND* - Only 5L*BND*
Belt: ~Pepper~  Cute Fanny Pack Belt - NEW -~Pepper~
Shoes: ::Duh!:: Women's Sneaker Boots - Bleached White - Duh!

- A special thanks and hugghis to Moni Schulze (red)Mint & Danni Pfeffer (~Pepper~) for their support «3 - 

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