domenica 14 agosto 2011

Look* [37]

On Me
Skin: YIBH #8 MOJO  The Body BOutique - YIBH HuntMOJO
Hair: [kik]hair-Fine(black-dark) - NEW[kik]
Shirt: .:Sticky fingers:.My knit white top - NEW.:Sticky fingers:.
Skirt: ][AV][skirt jeans highwaist - ][AWRAM-VIIE][
Leggins: MONS / Leggings (short) Colormix - sephia - NEWMONS
Shoes: Voodoo Sandal Zebra - NEWVoodoo

- A special thanks and hugghis to Ethan74 Rumpler (MOJO) & Michell Tomsen (.:Sticky fingers:.) & ekilem Resident (MONS) & jupyter Lecker (Voodoo) for their sweety support ❤ - 

2 commenti:

  1. Really nice style and perfect pic ...........artist coming soon !

  2. Awwwwwww! Thank you hun :* I'm really happy you like it <3


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