sabato 6 agosto 2011

Look* [25]

On Me
Skin: =kk=Calliope Skin-tan 01-Fat pack -  NEW=Kokane=
Hair: RAW HOUSE :: Kiki [Light Browns] - R A W :: H O U S E
Shirt: (Slow Kitchen)Long_A-line_T_shirt(Group_Gift_2011_8) - Free(Slow Kitchen)
Pants: Spirit Store - Evgeniy(a) baggy pants unisex brown - NEWSpirit Store
Necklace: Banano Nacklace / Female gray - NEWSpirit Store
Accessories: [EY:NO] Sunflower Subscribe Gift - Free[EY:NO]
Shoes: Maitreya Group Gift Pumps - FreeMaitreya

- A special ty and smuackies to Spirit Osmus (Spirit Store) & Danae Moonwall (=Kokane=) for their support «3 - 

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